Saturday, August 7, 2010

Doing a 70s retro flashback.

Doing a high school reunion. At the post reunion bar 1:00 am. Listening to 70s retro rock. The coolest bar in Topeka. Called Mr. B's. Two dollar cover charge. Sitting next to the high school home coming jock. Quiet then. Alcoholic now. He is dancing with the homely girl from high school. Who is now a model in Dallas. She told me she has 87 pairs of shoes with 3 inch heels. I dated her in junior high. Ok. Only two weeks. But it counts. At the table is the quiet guy. He and his brother now own 9 golf courses. He stil wears t shirts. And tells us tasteless blonde jokes that maybe I once got. A mustard bottle sits on the table at this bar. Permanently. The guys in the band wear tye dye t-shirts. The learned this music from playing rockhand. One old dude is real. He was hear when this music was real. He rocks on. We all rock on. One more day.

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